Cosmic Group


Quality Assurance -
Our Foundation for Success

At Cosmic Group, we are committed to Quality Assurance. Our Quality Assurance focus is based on ensuring we protect our people, protect the environment, while delivering the very best quality services to you.

Cosmic Group believe so strongly in this focus, our management systems are externally audited and certified to assure our people and our clients that we do everything we can to keep our people safe and deliver world class quality services.

Health & Safety -
Our People’s Assurance

At Cosmic Group, we’re determined to keep our team safe, as well as everyone else in our work environment. Our commitment to safety is embedded in everything we do.

Quality Assurance -
Your Assurance of Quality

Cosmic Group have in place a well structured, compliant quality management system that assures our clients;

Our Environment –
Our Children's Future

At Cosmic Group we erect wind farms because we want to protect and preserve our environment for our children and future generations.

We ensure that what we do not compromise our environment. To support this, we have developed an Environmental Management System and Processes certified to ISO 14001

We focus on these systems to ensure they continually improve to ensure we protect our environment

Our people are our most valuable asset

At Cosmic Group, we consider safety to be key to all our work. Our commitment to health & safety is embedded in everything we do.

Our positive safety culture has been the foundation of our company from the beginning. We strive to achieve accident-free workplaces while providing the highest level of quality and efficiency for our clients.

Investing in our people

We recruit with care to make sure we have the right people in the right roles. We set them on the path to success by introducing them to Cosmic Group Way/Beliefs Systems. Our rigorous induction takes the form of an introductory course that covers our high expectations, training, PPE requirements and general safety guidelines, including all Cosmic Group policies and procedures. Reference Cosmic Group Golden Rules, QA Systems Cosmic Group Intraportal, Assignar etc.

Our people complete comprehensive safety and professional training, including:

New employees are mentored by our well experienced people, ensuring they have all the support they need to produce excellent results. Every technician is GWO (Global Wind Organisation) accredited.

6 Vigilant to Opportunity

Vigilant to opportunity

At Cosmic Group we manage hazards and risks by consulting with our people and encouraging them to speak up on all health and safety matters.

We maintain a positive safety culture through meaningful conversations and participating in health and safety matters. Our dedicated health and safety manager works closely with all levels of personnel to address hazards and mitigate risks.

Our Certified Health and Safety Management System incorporates a structured and systematic approach to health and safety using a risk based approach, quality focus to ensure work is carried out safely and to the highest standard. We strive for continuous improvement and the best possible safety culture.